November 30, 2010

The tones on the guitar

E - F - F# or Gb - G - G# or Ab - A - A# or Bb - B - C - C# or Db - D - D# or Eb

  • From one tone to other tone that are on it, then go up a half tone
  • F# --> mean rise half a tone of voice F
  • Gb --> mean down half a tone of voice G
Note: Each tone has its own scales

In a song there we definitely want to get each tone is the same height and some are not as high. This is because the distance between the tones themselves are not the same value.In the world of music there are seven (7) basic tone, ie C, D, E, F, G, A, B. The distance to the tone is one-one-half-one-one-one-half.

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